The MINOR NOTES Archive: The Estrogenius Radio blog

Monday, March 20, 2006

I Loves Me Some BUST

I got a very pleasant surprise when I checked my email last week: The BUSTline -- the e-newsletter sent by BUST Magazine to thousands of subscribers -- had a plug for ESTROGENIUS and this blog! Like I needed any more reason to love those crazy kids!

A bit of background for you:

BUST is a bi-monthly magazine about women, pop-culture and everything that happens when the twain meet. It is intelligent, snarky (yet not too full of itself) and it doesn't hate men, except when some of us deserve to be hated on.

One useful resource provided on the BUST website is the Girl Wide Web, a repository of girl-oriented sites from all over the internet. If you know of a site that belongs on the GWW, then submit it; I did, and shortly thereafter I got the aforementioned plug in The BUSTline! Sometimes, the Universe IS cool.

Thus, I have no problem plugging them right back, and forming a sort of Moebius strip of mutual admiration. Below is a pic of the cover of the latest issue of BUST, featuring cover girl Gretchen Mol as cover girl Bettie Page! Please do everyone a favor, and buy a couple of subscriptions.

© 2005 BUST, Inc.

PS: In the interest of full disclosure, I might as well mention that it really was the content of BUST that caught my eye, not the expectation of it being a magazine about major-league yabos. In fact, I prefer a smaller bust on a woman (although I would never discriminate). Even Mrs Arhythmius wishes that her shapely C's were a little smaller. A reverse trend, perhaps?


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